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Plenary and invited speakers
Norbert Attig, Forshungzentrum Juelich, Germany
Sergey Bachurin, Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds, Russia
Bertrand Berche, Universite de Lorraine, Nancy, France
Kurt Binder, Universitat Mainz, Germany
Alexander Bogdanov, Sankt Peterburg University, Russia
Boris Chetverushkin, Keldysh Institute, Russia
Oleg Druzhinin, Institute of Applied Physics, Russia
Richard Durbin, Sanger Institute, United Kingdom
Nail Inogamov, Landau Institute, Russia
Wolfhard Janke, Universitat Leipzig, Germany
Alan Ferrenberg, Miami University, USA
Hans Herrmann, Technical University of Zurich, Switzerland
Helmut Kartzgraber, Texas A&M University, USA
Ralph Kenna, Coventry University, United Kingdom
Lin Hai-Qing, Beijing, Computational Science Research Center, China
Yuri Makhlin, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia
Mark Novotny, Mississippi State University, USA
Igor Petrov, Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology
Alexei Romanov, Russian Space Systems, Russia
Arkady Satanin, Nizhny Novgorod State University
Walter Selke, Aachen Technische Hochschule, Germany
Sauro Succi, Harvard University, USA
Takabe Hideaki, Osaka University, Japan
Martin Weigel, Coventry University, United Kingdom
Alexandre Zagoskin, Loughborough University, United Kingdom